Funny Advice For Newly Married Couple

by Kay Son
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Congratulations on tying the knot! “Funny Advice For Newly Married Couple” is sure to bring a smile to your face while offering some lighthearted tips to help you navigate your new life together. Picture this: you're in the kitchen, trying to whip up a romantic dinner, and you realize that sometimes the best way to impress your spouse is to simply order pizza and enjoy it with a good laugh. This article is filled with quirky wisdom and amusing anecdotes that will make your journey as newlyweds much more enjoyable and, without a doubt, memorable. Have you ever found yourself scratching your head, wondering if there's a secret manual for surviving the first few years of marriage with your sense of humor intact? Welcome to “Funny Advice For Newly Married Couples,” where we take the solemnity of marriage and add a dash of humor to create a recipe for a joyful and laugh-filled relationship.

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Love and Laughter: The Unspoken Ingredients

You might think that love is the only thing you need to fuel a successful marriage. Yes, love is crucial, but blending it with laughter creates magic. After all, sharing giggles over a pasta disaster or chuckling at each other's quirky habits is what makes the journey fun.

Keep a Sense of Humor

In the new landscape of marriage, situations often arise where you’ll need to lean on humor to keep things balanced. Did your spouse just use dishwasher soap instead of detergent? Instead of losing your mind, find the comedy in the situation.

Tip: Make a game out of it. Create a point system for minor mishaps—one point for leaving socks around the house or three points for forgetting the grocery list. Whoever has the least points at month-end treats the other to a date.

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Inside Jokes Are Gold

Inside jokes can transform awkward moments into cherished memories. Remember that time you both tried to assemble IKEA furniture and ended up with a table that had an extra leg? Voila! A new inside joke is born.

Pro Tip: Keep your inside jokes alive by bringing them up occasionally. They can serve as little reminders of shared experiences and memories.

Navigating the Household Harmony

The next series of advice centers around domestic life—the place where you spend most of your time and where the funniest of mishaps tend to occur.

Who's in Charge of What?

You're bound to face household duties. The trick is to treat these like a team game rather than a power struggle. If both of you hate doing the dishes, it’s time for some friendly negotiation.

Task Spouse A Spouse B Rock, Paper, Scissors (If Needed)

Your Food, My Food, Our Food

Food is a universal point of contention in relationships. You both bring culinary habits and preferences into the marriage. There will be quirks to navigate, from spice levels to midnight snacking habits.

Tip: Create a “backup meal” list featuring dishes you both agree on in case one evening's experiment goes hilariously wrong. This can save you from hanger-induced arguments.

Communication: Hear it Out and Laugh it Off

One of the main pillars of any relationship is communication, and adding a sprinkle of humor into your conversations can make serious discussions more palatable.

Master the Art of Silly Fights

You’re going to have differences—it’s inevitable. Instead of escalating things, sometimes it helps to engage in a “Silly Fight.”

Example Fight:

  • You: “Why did you leave the toothpaste cap off again? Are we training for the toothpaste apocalypse?”
  • Spouse: “Oh no, you caught me! I’m actually a secret toothpaste rebel. Who told you my plans?”

The ‘What Did You Mean?' Game

Misunderstandings can spiral quickly, but before they do, play the ‘What Did You Mean?' game. This includes repeating what you think their statement meant in the most ridiculous or exaggerated way possible. The goal should always be to turn irritation into laughter.

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Pro Tip: The game only works if both of you commit to it wholeheartedly. Remember, the aim is for clarity and laughs, not to mock each other.

Managing Finances Without Losing Your Marbles

Money is often a huge stressor in marriages but that doesn’t mean it can't be navigated with a little bit of fun and planning.

The ‘Fun Budget'

Having a fun budget is essential to keep your relationship lively. It’s a simple portion of your budget dedicated to entertainment, leisure, or anything that makes you both laugh and smile.

Example Budget Breakdown:

Category Monthly Allocation Hilarity Potential
Date Nights $100 High
Hobby Supplies $50 Medium
Gag Gifts $20 Extremely High

Tip: Surprise each other with gag gifts occasionally. It's a small investment for big laughs!

Financial Role-Playing Games

Sometimes managing finances seems daunting. Why not turn it into a fun role-playing game or contest? Who can find the best coupon deals or who can save the most on the weekly grocery round?

Pro Tip: Use apps that gamify savings, turning what could be a chore into something exciting and engaging.

Social Life and Personal Space

Balancing your social lives and personal space can lead to some amusingly tricky situations.

The ‘Plus-One' Dilemma

Choosing between social events can be tricky, especially if both of you have different circles. Have a lighthearted contest to decide whose event to go to, or attend each other's events with a comedic approach.

Tip: Make a game of it. If you’re going to Spouse A's event, Spouse B has to wear something funny, and vice versa. This can also serve as an icebreaker at the event.

Relaxation Zones

Everyone needs their personal space. Designate a “relaxation zone” for each of you where the other isn’t allowed to disturb—unless it’s an emergency, of course.

Example Zones:

Name Spouse A's Zone Spouse B's Zone
“The Reading Nook” The cozy chair by the window The basement with the big TV

Pro Tip: Respecting these zones can prevent a multitude of arguments and give you both a chance to recharge.

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Anniversary and Milestone Celebrations

Turning milestones into memorable moments doesn’t always mean being serious. Infuse a bit of humor to make these occasions unforgettable.

DIY Gift Challenges

Instead of buying expensive gifts, challenge each other to make DIY gifts. It could be something ridiculous but heartfelt, like a scrapbook of your funniest pictures together or a poem that doesn’t rhyme.

Pro Tip: Set a budget limit for these DIY gifts. The funnier and more creative the results, the better!

Reenacting Your First Date

One fun way to celebrate milestones is to reenact your first date but with a humorous twist. Add ridiculous details like exaggerated accents or dressing up in outlandish outfits.

Example: If you went to a fancy restaurant on your first date, maybe this time show up in costumes that make you look like you’re straight out of a sci-fi movie.

Wrapping Up: Keep the Fun Alive

Finally, the key to a joyful married life is to never take yourselves too seriously. Remember why you chose each other in the first place and keep the laughter flowing.

Monthly Mirth-Making

Keep one day in a month as your dedicated ‘Mirth-Making' day. On this day, indulge in activities explicitly aimed at making you laugh.

Example Activities:

  • Watching a comedy movie.
  • Playing board games that involve lots of humor.
  • Trying out an absurd hobby for a day, like juggling or funny dance routines.

Book Club for Comedians

Start a mini book club where you only read humorous books or watch stand-up specials and discuss them. This will not only provide laughs but also strengthen your bond.

Pro Tip: Rotate the responsibility of picking the book or special each time, adding an element of surprise.


Navigating the early stages of marriage can be seen as a daunting task, but infusing humor into your daily lives can make the journey truly enjoyable. With these light-hearted tips, you’ve got the tools to start on a path filled with laughter, joy, and countless funny memories.

So go ahead, laugh loudly, love fiercely, and cherish every quirky moment that being married brings. After all, in the grand comedy of life, it's the funny, shared experiences that play the starring role.

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